Friday, January 11, 2008

Next PDTC meeting - January 17th

Plymouth Democratic Town Committee meeting

DATE: Thursday, Jan. 17th
TIME: 6:30 pm
PLACE: China Pilgrim Restaurant
204 So. Meadow Road

Lots to discuss. The upcoming caucus and primary and the golf tournament.

Bring $10 for appetizers and food after meeting. Come and bring your Democratic friends.

Remind everyone: Register by Jan. 16th to vote

The deadline to register to vote in the Massachusetts Primary on February 5th is January 16th. Check with family and friends to make sure they can vote to have a say in who the Democratic Party nominates for president. Below is photo taken of presidential candidate John Edwards at a town hall meeting in Derry, NH.

Plymouth caucus set for February 9th

Democrats in Plymouth will caucus on Saturday, February 9th at the Plymouth Center for the Arts, 11 North Street at 10:30 A.M. to elect delegates to the state convention. All registered Democrats in Plymouth are allowed to vote for and run as delegates. Everyone must be in the caucus room by 10:30 AM when the doors will be closed to latecomers. Plymouth will be electing 23 delegates, 11 men and 11 women plus one of either sex. The town committee chair is a non-elected delegate.