Friday, August 07, 2009

Party Flavors Cookbook Now Available!


Party Flavors: Recipes from Democratic Leaders is back from the printer and available to PDTC members for a $10 donation. It will be $12 for the public.

After two years of chasing down recipes from our elected officials, presidential libraries and our own members, we have put together a 48-page cookbook with submissions from President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Ted Kennedy, Senator John Kerry, Lt. Governor Tim Murray and many other current leaders as well as former presidents Truman, Bill Clinton, JFK, FDR and LBJ.

We also have the favorites from local Democrats, among them, Jay Ferguson, Lenny Vaz, Anita Hadley, Jon Graham, Jan Palmer-Tarbox, Jane Clough Busi, Bill Robinson and John Flannagan.

Many thanks to all those on the cookbook committee who helped to compile, write, edit, and design this book Special thanks to Andrea Schrader for creating a unique cover design and clean and pleasant layout template for recipes, photos and biographical info. Also, a giant hug to former committee member Anita Hadley for writing to all the presidential libraries to solicit recipes.

SALES SO FAR: We have a bit of a head start because of the people who reserved copies at the PDTC/PCDL meeting in June. So far, we have sold a bit over 40 copies, leaving us with about 260 left to market.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We will begin that marketing by setting up a table at the Harborfest event on August 22. We have coverage from 9 AM to 3 PM but could use volunteers to help table during any hours from 9 AM to 5 PM. Please contact Janet Alfieri at (781) 588-4190 or if you can donate some time. It will be fun and will give the town committee some excellent visibility. We will have voter registration forms and membership applications available as well as cookbooks. Any other ideas? Petitions? Issues information? Please let us know.

BUY BOOKS: These cookbooks make nice novelty gifts for your favorite Democrats. The recipes range from the ridiculous (John Walsh’s marshmallow fruit dip) to the sublime (Gov. Patrick’s Osso Buco). However, in an informal poll of the committee, it was decided that the recipes sent in by PDTC members are the very best ones. If you reserved a book and would like to pick it up, there are two options: Bring a check for $10 per book to the next PDTC meeting on Mon., August 31 or stop by the office of Attorney Lee Alfieri at 7 South Park Ave. downtown (746-6303) during business hours.

We are very proud of our little cookbook and think it will reflect well on our town committee and its members.
Bon Appetit!!
Cookbook Committee: Janet Alfieri, Andrea Schrader, Marion Galvin, Robin Drysdale, Frank Mand & Mike Landers