Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Tell Delahunt to Vote Against the Repeal of the Estate Tax

The Bush administration's tax cuts over the last four years have led to big cuts in vital health and other services to working families, while exploding the national debt. Those tax cuts for millionaires, and the resulting budget deficits, are also a wasteful use of resources that could be used to shore up Social Security and Medicare.
This week, in what can only be described as a dramatic display of contempt for American families, Congress will try to permanently repeal the estate tax (helping the super-rich) and pass bankruptcy reform (hurting the middle class) at the same time.
This first vote will likely come today! Please call your representative right now and let them know you oppose both the repeal of the estate tax and the bankruptcy law changes.
Congressman William Delahunt
Local phone: 617-770-3700
DC Phone: 202-225-3111
(Toll Free: 800-794-9911)

Tell the staffer who answers that you are a constituent and that you would like Rep. Delahunt to vote against the repeal of the estate tax and against the bankruptcy bill because both reforms side with the super-rich and corporations over middle class families. Ask the staffer to send you a letter explaining the representative's position.

Email address for Delahunt:


Unknown said...

I spoke with Delahunt's office in Washington D.C., and they wouldn't say how the Congressman planned to vote -which worried me. FYI, there is a link on our main PDTC site to find out how any member of Congress voted. Check it out.

Unknown said...

I called again this morning, and was told by his spokesperson that he was not aware how the Congressman had voted..